Converts numerals to words if appropriate per the style guide '. The first unnamed parameter is the numeral to be evaluated. All optional parameters of {{number to word}} are accepted by this template.

Editors using this template are responsible for checking its output against the detailed guidance of .

  • Non-integers and values less than zero are given in numerals (e.g. 0.5, -3).
  • Integers from zero to nine are spelled out in words (e.g. five).
  • For integers greater than or equal to ten:
    • By default, numbers expressible in one or two words are spelled out (e.g. fifty-six), and numbers requiring three or more words are given as numerals (e.g. 310).
    • If the argument "forcenum" is given with a value of "true" (or equivalent per Template:Yesno), integers greater than or equal to ten are always expressed as a numeral.
  • Numbers greater than one million are rounded to at most two significant figures


Case Input Default output Output with forcenum =
"true" or equivalent
negative or non-integer -3 −3 −3
1.5 1.5 1.5
integer less than 10 9 nine nine
integer requiring two or fewer words 54 fifty-four 54
8000 eight thousand 8,000
integer requiring more than two words 320 320 320
integers greater than one million 12000000 twelve million 12,000,000
12060000 12 million 12,060,000
35000000 35 million 35,000,000

