Documentation icon ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်းထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ[တူၺ်း] [မႄးထတ်း] [ပိုၼ်း] [ၸၢင်း]

ၶေႃႈသပ်းလႅင်း မႄးထတ်း

This template displays text with a colored outline. It's basic use is thus: {{outline color|This text is outlined in gold}}, which comes out as: This text is outlined in gold

Other colors can be specified but the default is a gold 2px solid outline with no blending. An optional strength parameter also allows customised blending at three strength levels.

လၢႆးၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်း မႄးထတ်း

{{outline color|text}}


{{outline color|text|color}}


{{outline color|text|color|strength=1..3}}

ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းၸိူဝ်းၽၢႆႇတႂ်ႈၼႆႉ ယိူင်းဢၢၼ်းဝႆႉတႃႇ ၶၢဝ်းမိူဝ်းၼႃႈသေ တီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆးၼႆႉၵေႃႈ တေၸၢင်ႈၸႂ်ႉမႃးလႆႈ ၶိူင်ႈၸႂ်ႉ ၼင်ႇ တူဝ်ထတ်းတႃႁၼ် (VisualEditor) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးဢင်းၵိတ်ႉၼၼ်ႉလႄႈ ၸင်ႇလႆႈတမ်းၽႅၼ်ၵၢၼ်လၢႆးငၢၼ်း ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ (TemplateData) ဢၼ်မီးၼင်ႇတီႈ ဢင်းၵိတ်ႉဝႆႉၼၼ်ႉသေၵေႃႈ လႆႈႁဵတ်းဝႆႉယဝ်ႉ။ ႁူမ်ႈဝႃႈ ဢမ်ႇပႆႇၸႂ်ႉ ၶိူင်ႈၸႂ်ႉၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉသေတႃႉၵေႃႈ ၵဵဝ်ႇလူၺ်ႈ လွင်ႈတႅမ်ႈၽရူဝ်ႇၶႅမ်ႇ (computer programming) သေ သင်ၸိူဝ်ႉဝႃႈ ႁူႉပွင်ႇဝႆႉ ဢိတ်းဢွတ်းၵူၺ်းၵေႃႈ ႁႂ်ႈပေႃးႁၼ်လႆႈ ၸႅင်ႈလႅင်းပွင်ႇၸႂ်လီၼႆသေ ၸၢင်ႈဢဝ်ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈ ၼင်ႇႁူဝ်ႁုပ်ႈမၼ်းၼၼ်ႉယူႇ။

Outline color

Displays text with a colored outline.

Template parameters[ၸတ်းၵၢၼ် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ]


The string to be outlined.


The outline color. Can be specified as a named web color or the standard 6-digit or 3-digit hexadecimal codes. If this parameter is not specified a default value of #FFD700 is used which is gold.


An optional parameter that in the range 1..3 allows the outline to be blended at customised strength levels. A value of 0 produces no outline. If this parameter is any other value, or is not specified, then the default option is a solid 2px outline with no blending which produces a strong outline


လၢႆးၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်း မႄးထတ်း

Examples ranging from solid 2px outline to no outline:

  • {{Outline color|Outline in default color}}
    Outline in default color
  • {{Outline color|Outline in #FF69B4|#FF69B4}}
    Outline in #FF69B4
  • {{Outline color|Outline in red|red}}
    Outline in red
  • {{Outline color|Outline in red|red|strength=3}}
    Outline in red
  • {{Outline color|Outline in red|red|strength=2}}
    Outline in red
  • {{Outline color|Outline in red|red|strength=1}}
    Outline in red
  • {{Outline color|Outline in red|red|strength=0}}
    Outline in red

Example showing outlining of bolded wikilink:

Example showing outlining of bolded wikilink with colored text:

  • [[Waikato Chiefs|<span style= "color:#ff0;">{{Outline color|'''Chiefs'''|red|strength=3}}</span>]]

တူၺ်းပႃး မႄးထတ်း