North America
Amtrak stations |
{{amtk}} |
CTrain stations |
{{cts}} |
Calgary CTrain
CDOT stations |
{{cdots}} |
CTfastrak, Hartford Line, and Shore Line East (Connecticut)
CTA stations |
{{cta}} |
Chicago Transit Authority
Edmonton LRT stations |
{{stl|ETS}} |
Edmonton Light Rail Transit
Exo stations |
{{Exos}} |
Exo (formerly RTM, Greater Montreal)
GO Transit stations |
{{GOs}} |
GO Transit (Greater Toronto Area)
{{LIRR stations}} |
{{lirrs}} |
Long Island Rail Road
MAX stations |
{{maxs}} |
MAX Light Rail (Portland, Oregon)
MBTA stations |
{{bts}} |
MBTA (Boston)
Metro Transit station |
{{MTs}} |
Metro Transit (Minnesota)
MNRR stations |
{{mnrr}} |
Metro-North Railroad (New York and Connecticut)
{{Montreal Metro stations}} |
{{stms}} |
Montreal Metro
MTA Maryland stations |
{{mtams}} |
Maryland Transit Administration (excluding MARC Train)
{{MTS stations}} |
{{mtss}} |
San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Muni stations |
{{munis}} |
San Francisco Municipal Railway and Muni Metro
NJT stations |
{{njts}} |
NJ Transit Rail Operations (New Jersey)
{{NYCS station}} |
{{nycs}} |
New York City Subway
SCAX stations |
{{scax}} |
Metrolink (California)
{{SIR station}} |
{{sirs}} |
Staten Island Railway
{{SLML}} |
none |
MetroLink (St. Louis)
SMART stations |
{{smarts}} |
Sonoma–Marin Area Rail Transit
{{TTC station}} |
{{ttcs}} |
Toronto subway
VREX stations |
none |
Virginia Railway Express
WMATA stations |
{{wmata}} |
Washington Metro (Washington, D.C.)
{{StnlnkA}} |
{{rwsa}} |
Australia and New Zealand
{{BJS stations}} |
{{bjss}} |
Beijing Subway
{{BVG stations}} |
{{bvgs}} |
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Berlin)
{{Buenos Aires Subte}} |
{{bas}} |
Buenos Aires Underground
{{DLRstation}} |
{{dlr}} |
Docklands Light Railway (London)
{{Istanbul Metro stations}} |
none |
Istanbul Metro
{{IWLR}} |
none |
Dulwich Hill Line (Sydney)
{{METROKIEV stations}} |
{{kms}} |
Kyiv Metro
{{Komuter station}} |
{{kstn}} |
KTM Komuter (Kuala Lumpur)
{{Tubestation}} |
{{lus}} |
London Underground
{{Metro Madrid}} |
{{MdM}} |
Madrid Metro
{{MOSMETRO stations}} |
{{mms}} |
Moscow Metro
{{München bahnhof}} |
{{mbhf}} |
Munich S-Bahn
{{StnlnkO}} |
{{rwso}} |
Oslo tramway and metro stations
{{Paris Metro/Station}} |
{{pms}} |
Paris Métro
{{RER/Station}} |
{{prs}} |
Paris RER
{{StnlnkR}} |
{{rwsr}} |
{{SHM stations}} |
{{shm}} |
Shanghai Metro
{{SNCF}} |
none |
SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français, France)
{{HSR station}} |
{{hsr}} |
Taiwan High Speed Rail
{{TRA station}} |
{{tra}} |
Taiwan Railways Administration (only when ambiguous)
{{VSB station}} |
{{vsbs}} |
Vienna S-Bahn
{{VUB station}} |
{{vubs}} |
Vienna U-Bahn
Template |
Shortcut |
Used for