

Add this template to the article captions of files (images, sounds, video clips, etc.) that are nominated for speedy deletion.

To add this notice, for proposed deletion, enter {{Deletable file-caption|date=<Full date>|reason=prod}} in full form following captions and replace "<Full date>" with the date of deletion.

For speedy deletion, enter {{Deletable file-caption|date=<Full date>|reason=<Reason>}} in full form following captions and replace "<Full date>" with the date of deletion and "<Reason>" with one of applicable criteria shown in the "Criteria" section below. Alternative entries are {{Deletable file-caption|<Full date>}}, {{Deletable file-caption||<Reason>}}, and {{Deletable file-caption|<Full date>|<Reason>}}.

If the date of deletion and reason are unknown, {{Deletable file-caption}} would suffice.


Code Result
[[File:Wikipedesketch.png |thumb |The Wikipede edits ''[[Myriapoda]]''. {{Deletable file-caption|date=1 December 2099|reason=prod}}]]
The Wikipede edits Myriapoda.

This file has been proposed for deletion and may be deleted after 1 December 2099. Click on file page link to object.


Reason Code Result
prod {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|prod}}

This file has been proposed for deletion and may be deleted after 1 December 2099. Click on file page link to object.
csd {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|csd}}

This file is a candidate for speedy deletion and may be deleted after 1 December 2099.
f4 {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|f4}}

This file has no source and/or license and may be deleted after 1 December 2099.
f6 {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|f6}}

This file has no non-free use rationale and may be deleted after 1 December 2099.
f7 {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|f7}}

This file has an invalid non-free use claim and may be deleted after 1 December 2099.
f11 {{Deletable file-caption|1 December 2099|f11}}

This file has no evidence of permission and may be deleted after 1 December 2099.

