Name | Hex (RGB) |
Red (RGB) |
Green (RGB) |
Blue (RGB) |
Hue (HSL/HSV) |
Satur. (HSL) |
Light (HSL) |
Satur. (HSV) |
Value (HSV) |
Color table header, for use with {{Colort/Color}}, which generates the rows.
မႄးထတ်း{{Colort|optional parameters}}
See {{Colort/Color}} for usage.
- switches a narrow variant that is not sortable and has two rows per color
|caption=markup text
- An alternative table caption, replaces the default
|class=HTML class
- More classes to be applied to the table
|style=CSS code
- More styles to be applied to the table
- If set an additional column header is added at the end with a default text: “Alias”
|alias=markup text
- If present an additional column header is added at the end with the text provided
|alias title=plain text
- The hover information to be displayed for the header cell of the optional column, default is “CSS, SVG, HTML”
မႄးထတ်းSee X11 color names, Web colors, List of colors, ...
ၶေႃႈမုၼ်း ထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ
မႄးထတ်းၶေႃႈမုၼ်းၸိူဝ်းၽၢႆႇတႂ်ႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ် တူဝ်ထတ်းတႃႁၼ်(VisualEditor) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးၼၼ်ႉ ယိူင်းဢၢၼ်း တႃႇဢဝ် ၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉ ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆးသေ ၸင်ႇလႆႈဢဝ် ပိူင် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ (TemplateData) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢိင်းၵလဵတ်ႈၼၼ်ႉ ႁဵတ်းဝႆႉပဵၼ် တီႈမၢႆတီႈတွင်းယဝ်ႉ။ ႁူမ်ႈဝႃႈ ပႆႇၸႂ်ႉၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉသေတႃႉ ပေႃးပဵၼ် ၵူၼ်းႁူႉလွင်ႈတႅမ်ႈပရူဝ်ႇၵရႅမ်ႇ (computer programming) ဢိတ်းဢွတ်းၵေႃႈ ႁႂ်ႈပေႃးႁၼ်လႆႈၸႅင်ႈလႅင်းလီၼႆသေ ၸၢင်ႈဢဝ်ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈ သၽေႃးတီႈၵႅပ်ႈမၼ်းလႆႈယူႇ။
Extended content
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No description.
- See the monthly parameter usage report for Template:Colort.
- See the monthly parameter usage report for Template:Colort/Color.